At Dixon & Ricks, we prioritise the privacy and data protection of our clients, partners, and stakeholders. In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we have implemented robust measures to ensure the lawful and transparent processing of personal data, adhering to the highest standards of data protection across all our business activities.

Lawful Processing: All data processing activities at Dixon & Ricks are conducted lawfully, ensuring that there is a legal basis for the collection and  processing of personal data.

Transparency: We are committed to transparency in our data processing practices. Our privacy policies clearly articulate the purposes for collecting and processing personal data.

Data Minimisation: Dixon & Ricks collects only the data that is strictly necessary for the intended purpose. Unnecessary data is neither collected nor retained.

Security Measures: Stringent security measures are in place to safeguard personal data against unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.

Data Subject Rights: We respect the rights of data subjects, including the right to access, rectify, erase, and restrict the processing of their personal data. Requests regarding these rights are promptly addressed.

Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs): DPIAs are conducted for high-risk processing activities to identify and mitigate potential privacy risks.

Data Breach Response: In the event of a data breach, Dixon & Ricks has established procedures to assess and report such incidents promptly to the relevant supervisory authorities and affected data subjects.

International Data Transfers: Any international transfers of personal data adhere to the GDPR’s requirements, ensuring an adequate level of protection.

Data Protection Officer (DPO): Our appointed Data Protection Officer oversees GDPR compliance, providing guidance and ensuring ongoing awareness of data protection responsibilities.